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Reliable Outpatient Physical Therapy Services

Joint Worx Physical Therapy is a leading provider of outpatient physical therapy services including Physical Therapy Assessment and Treatment and Occupational Therapy Assessment and Treatment.

We work with post-operative, accident and injured patients to get them back on their feet, and back to enjoying their quality of life.  Joint Worx Physical Therapy works as partners with patients and their physician to put together a treatment plan that fits their schedule and needs.

Goals of Joint Worx Physical Therapy

  • Provide exceptional, cost-effective, focused care for the patient.
  • Meet the patient’s medical needs in a nurturing environment.
  • Minimize the impact of patient’s condition while respecting the care of the patient.

Injuries or post-surgical conditions of the musculoskeletal system (made up of bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints and other connective tissue) often contribute to limited and pain motion.  This can lead to pain and a decrease in daily activities.  Physical Therapists often use a variety of specific, hands-on techniques, called manual therapy to improve mobility in joints and soft tissues.

Our highly trained clinicians assess whether the muscles and joints have hypo- (restricted) or hyper- (excessive) mobility.  Once restrictions or other dysfunctions are identified, the therapist may use various manual therapy techniques to reduce pain, improve mobility, facilitate movement, increase soft tissue extensibility and restore function.

The clinical staff at Joint Worx will follow closely with the individual physician’s protocol to insurance maximum rehabilitation.

Common Conditions Treated:

  • Over-use
  • Insidious Onset
  • Post-Surgical
  • Trauma or Injury-related

When injured workers meet established short and long term goals through physical therapy or occupational therapy but are unable to return to work due to remaining functional deficits or de-conditioning, they may benefit from a higher level of therapeutic intervention designed specifically with a primary goal of returning to work.  Injured workers who benefit most from these programs are usually at least 30 days out from their injury and have a medium or higher physical demand category job to return to.  These full body intensive conditioning programs that focus on work simulation activities to get injured workers back to work.

Additional programs and treatment that your physical therapist may utilize include:

  • Balance training
  • Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization
  • Postural education
  • Therapeutic exercise
  • Therapeutic modalities